Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Initial Hurdles

With so many, where to begin.

Front wheel. 21" is just too big. A smaller front wheel should quicken the steering, give me a decent tyre choice, and if I can find a wheel from another model - a road bike rather than a dirtbike - improve the braking by having a larger brake. (I really would prefer a drum brake)

Suzuki GT550 Front End. But would it fit?
Front Forks. At 85cm in overall length, are they too long? If I shorten them - possibly easier than replacing them, although a complete front end from a road bike would resolve two problems - and have a smaller diameter wheel, how will the handling be. The standard forks are 36mm in diameter, many Suzuki alternative's, such as the GT above have a smaller diameter. Again, how will this effect the handling?

Looks simple enough, does the bike need it?
Rear Suspension. The ER Model has the rear shocks at a more acute angle. If I fit a shorter rear shock to match the ride height with the front end mod's this will increase the angle further.What effect's will this have on the handling? More of a concern, what effect will it have on the strength of the shock? Will I be fabricating some alternative mounting points? As with the front, would I be better to replace the entire rear end? If so, how or where can I find a list of suitable donor bikes?
Electrics. It appears most have been removed. From battery to lights. I need to see whats missing before I decide on the best action. Is it worth replacing them? Can you still get a daylight only MOT? What are the alternatives? What do I need to buy?

Am I still convinced this is a good idea? Actually, yes. It's a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, inspiring me to do something with my TS. I became frustrated with electrical bugs after the third go at building a wiring loom from scratch. I'm interested in the tuning aspect esp.

    Page is book marked! Best of luck.
